To be specific, you can OCR a PDF into just editable text or scan to searchable text from images. The OCR is automatically applied when converting PDFs although you still get a dedicated mode that lets you tweak the OCR processing in specifics like the recognition language, scan options, and the pages to OCR. That is why PDFelement brings you a built-in OCR (Optical Character Recognition) tool to help you extract the data you need. While processing native PDFs is usually easy, scanned or image-based PDFs can prove to be very painstaking to work on. With shell integration and support for the Microsoft Office plugin, direct document conversion becomes possible. The good thing is that the process is fast, with automatic OCR and high-quality output overall. And even before you can save the converted file, you are opened up to an editor just in case there are refinements and necessary edits required. The process is pretty straightforward and does not require you to tinker with anything except adding the PDF file for conversion.Īlso, you have the “Create PDF” mode that allows you to transform other document files into PDF format in just a matter of moments. The dedicated “Convert PDF” mode lets you convert native, scanned, or image-based PDFs into other formats like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Epub, JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF, TIFF, TXT, RTF, HTML, XML, PDF/A, and more. PDFelement provides a nifty way to convert to and from the PDF format. Here are the keys features you are bound to make the most out of Convert to and from PDFs In fact, every new version is more refined than the previous one and may bring even new features. With persistent evolving and keeping up with the latest advancements in the PDF industry, PDFelement has remained relevant and very popular among users.